£772 7 days from
per person
Spanish Cooking Holiday Course
Andalucia, Granada, Spain
Choose your start date for this course...
When would you like to travel?
Please enter the earliest and latest dates you would like to travel. For example, if you are thinking about travelling anytime in or August or September, enter 01/08/11 and 30/09/11, and we’ll show you the list of start dates that you can choose from...
Do you have a preferred day of the week to start your course?
You can begin your course on the following days of the week...
Payment instructions - Just pay a deposit now to secure your place
Our booking system allows you to keep your money with you for longer. This is how it works: there's no need to pay for the entire holiday course up front – all you do is pay a small deposit through our online booking system, and then pay the remainder directly to the course supplier as follows…
Balance Due Date: On arrival
Supplier Accepts: Cash (Euros)
Full details of how and when to pay the balance will be given during the booking process and will be printed on your confirmation voucher.
Please note that if there are any costs involved in making the balance payment they will be your responsibility.