Cooking Holidays in Spain featured in the Telegraph

‘What better way to sample a country’s considerable gastronomic heritage than go there and learn how to cook it yourself? Spain is full of schools for tourists wanting a little bit more than a quick Iberian nibble. If you’re holidaying independently, ( offers half-day Spanish cooking courses, delivered in English by a Spanish chef in it’s […]

Calling all French A Level students - Revise in Paris!

Spend your Summer holiday in Paris on a French A Level Revision Course.
Our brand new A-Level revision course in Paris is aimed at those who are facing their A or A2 level exams and who want to go beyond just learning to speak the language by immersing themselves in French culture to bring the language to life.
This course […]

Australian Visa Bureau excited about our plans…

The Australian Visa Bureau have picked up on our news of the expansion of our learning holiday experiences to cover Australia.
To encourage more students and young people to visit Australia, we have teamed up with STA Travel to offer their customers access to our exciting holiday courses ready for our destination expansion.
Australian Visa Bureau says “It […]

Holiday Courses in Australia, NZ & Asia

We are very excited to announce plans to add a wide range of holiday courses in Australia, New Zealand and across Asia.
Soon you’ll be able to go to Australia to learn to Surf, Scuba Dive, wine taste or even become an Australian cowboy or cowgirl - a ‘Jackaroo or Jillaroo’
New Zealand will focus on outdoor sports and […]