Cooking Holidays in Spain featured in the Telegraph

‘What better way to sample a country’s considerable gastronomic heritage than go there and learn how to cook it yourself? Spain is full of schools for tourists wanting a little bit more than a quick Iberian nibble. If you’re holidaying independently, ( offers half-day Spanish cooking courses, delivered in English by a Spanish chef in it’s […]

Calling all French A Level students - Revise in Paris!

Spend your Summer holiday in Paris on a French A Level Revision Course.
Our brand new A-Level revision course in Paris is aimed at those who are facing their A or A2 level exams and who want to go beyond just learning to speak the language by immersing themselves in French culture to bring the language to life.
This course […]

Class Holidays feature in the Guardian features in the Guardian today…
Class holidays is a new website specialising in learning holidays, with more than 700 options in 30 countries. Categories include languages, sports, wellbeing, food and drink, and creative. The definition of sports is rather broad. In between yoga, kayaking and the rest is the chance to go on a “gladiator […]

Ignite a passion for firey Flamenco Dance in Seville

I’m on a weekend Flamenco dance course in the Flamenco capital of Spain, Seville. After a day wandering around this fabulous city where you can feel Flamenco in the air, I’ve found my way to a professional Flamenco dance school just north of the centre of Seville where I’ve signed up for 2 days of […]