Insider guide to Guadalajara, Mexico

Our language school in Guadalajara, Mexico has kindly prepared this guide to the sights, sounds and smells of Guadalajara to make your trip to Mexico a memorable one…The Centro Historico is another name for the “old town” part of downtown Guadalajara. You can get a map of the different important museums, government buildings and plazas […]

Where to hear Mariachis in Guadalajara

Our language school in Guadalajara, Mexico is always asked where are the best and safest places to go out in the evenings and party with the locals. Here’s their guide to what’s hot and what’s safe for a night out on the town….
Here are some places that are fun and where it is safe and […]

Experience the Day of the Dead this October…

For those of you, who have not visited Oaxaca during Day of the Dead, mark your calendars now for 2008.
The Mexican festivities of “Muertos” are known throughout the world, and Oaxaca’s traditions are among the most elaborate and unique in the country.
Each year at the end of October, Oaxacan families begin preparing their homes to […]

Tick something off your ‘things to do before you die list’

Amy spent two weeks in Sicily on a language course, living above a local family and in doing so, ticked off one of the things on her list of things to do before I die!
For two weeks, Taormina, located on a terrace with its spectacular views of the beach below and Mount Etna in the rolling hills in […]