Cooking Holidays in Spain featured in the Telegraph

‘What better way to sample a country’s considerable gastronomic heritage than go there and learn how to cook it yourself? Spain is full of schools for tourists wanting a little bit more than a quick Iberian nibble. If you’re holidaying independently, ( offers half-day Spanish cooking courses, delivered in English by a Spanish chef in it’s […]

Calling all French A Level students - Revise in Paris!

Spend your Summer holiday in Paris on a French A Level Revision Course.
Our brand new A-Level revision course in Paris is aimed at those who are facing their A or A2 level exams and who want to go beyond just learning to speak the language by immersing themselves in French culture to bring the language to life.
This course […]

Demons, Fireworks and Human Towers in Barcelona

Spain is awash with fiestas, everytime I visit Spain to look for new holiday courses I always seem to hit town in the middle of a celebration. One of the biggest celebrations in Barcelona is the Mercè – meaning the patron saint of the city.
The main event takes place on the 24th September although the […]